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The following is a list of prerequisites required for admission to Daybreak Bible College.  Some exceptions to these requirements can be made on a case by case basis.   To enroll, applicants:


  • Must speak English well enough to understand class lectures without difficulty.

  • Must be already active in ministry.

  • Must be given a strong recommendation by two church leaders in their current congregation.

  • Must be married or scheduled to get married within one year (some exceptions made).

  • Must commit to bringing the wives to DBC and wives must also agree to go through the women’s program.Married students attend without their wives being with them on campus.

Why Should You Attend DBC?

If you have a desire to grow spiritually in your relationship to God.  If you want to learn how to be a better person (better husband, better Christian).  If you have a desire to help others (a desire to make a difference for good in your village).  If you have a desire to remain in the village and would like to learn how to better provide for your family (food security) and teach others how to do likewise.  If you have a desire to improve education in your village (Community School).  If you have a desire to have a better marriage and strengthen the marriages of others.  If you would like to help improve the health of your family and those in your community.  If you want to learn what it really means to be a disciple of Jesus and become a better servant of Christ.

How To Enroll

In order to begin the enrollment process, it is necessary that you fill out the Application for Enrollment (click here).


Or, you may send an application by email or Zambia Post (address below) and include the following information:


Full Name:  _______________________________        Date of Birth: _______________

Address:  ________________________________         Married (Yes/No): ___________

Province/District/Township: ________________________________________________         

Phone Number: _________________________             Email: __________________________________

From What Denomination are you? __________________________________________

Are you are church leader and, if so, what position? ____________________________

What is the last year of school that you completed? ____________________________


Provide an introduction to yourself.  Include information about your marital status, age, number of children living with you (ages), information about your home church, your current and past activities in ministry, and a statement as to why you would like to attend DBC (what you hope to gain from attending DBC).  Include any other information that you believe would be important to include.


Please send this information to the mailing address or email address below.  Or, you can click on the menu above and select the page (sub-menu), "Application" in order to request additional information.

Daybreak Bible College

P.O. Box 350374

Chilanga, Zambia



Phone:  +260-975-820982

Web Page:

© 2015 by Daybreak Mission of Hope.  Created with

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